Regular repeat client in the limousine industry in Perth means people that use you once or twice a year . So it takes several years in this industry to fill your dairy. On saturday i transported Garry and Pat King which have used my sevices for a number of years ,to their favorate restaurant in Fremantle"The Essex"http://www.essexrestaurant.com.au/ according to their friends and them the food is fantastic ,although it was hot and humid on saturday around 30 degrees at 11pm and 85% humidity and apparently the air conditioning could not cope that well.
The challenge with regular clients like this is that when you get a newer larger limousine ,the price shock may put them off .So i tend to increase my prices more slowly with them as they are dependable income and generally at off peak times.
Also i know what kind of client i am getting for the night ,so if they are a problem client only take week night bookings as i know they won't over do it as they have to work the next day. I realise some people don't know when to stop,i am one of them. So i tend not to drink when i go out as i have been accused of making a fool of myself by my partner.
In regard to over endulgence we now limit the amount of alchol we allow in the limo to two bottles of wine or chamagne and a dozen bottles of beer. I figure if eight people can drink more than that in an hour then i would prefer they booked with someone else and wreck my competitors limousines .
The other thing we don't allow is pink or red drinks and coloured mixers but it is amazing when i turn up with the limo how many people (especially the light haired) will walk out with a pink and say " i didn't think it would apply to strawberry champagne" or"But this is only rose ",also "its only light pink".I even inform them by email of our policy.Most understand it is for the obvious reason that we are in an expensive moving vehicle with leather uphostery costing thousands of dollar.
One woman that vigously objected to not being able to have her favorate rose ,placed her full glass of white wine on a ledge in the limo ,not the wine glass holders as provide .She got her just deserts at the first left hand corner ,all over her couturier dress .It may have save her husband several thousand by only having clear drinks in the limo but i don't think she is any the wiser. She probably thinks i am an idiot for not avoiding corners and potholes in the dark.I mean honestly you would think i should pay closer attention to the gps navigation and program the no corners profile.
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