Friday nights limo tour was a proposal, Arron ordered the limo to the Broadwater Pagoda Hotel http://www.broadwaters.com.au/ in como for 6pm .We toured south perth and cottesloe beach before arriving at the Deco Restaurant at the Raffles Hotel Applecross ,some reviews http://www.perthfr.com/more2.php?id=394.This is my favorate restaurant although a would not recommend you go fridays or saturday nights as the restaurant has an open area to the downstairs bar and can be quite noisy as it the flavour of the month .Arron said the food was good but took 40 minute to get seated.After the meal i drove them to Kings Park http://www.bgpa.wa.gov.au/ where he proposed ,his fiancé said yes .Once the couple's are engaged there often comes a flurry of phone calls to friends and relatives to tell them that there in a limo and engaged ,generally in that order which was the case on friday.I then drove them to the Mustang Bar http://www.mustangbar.com.au/ in Northbridge where they intended to party the night away. As i don't even drive the limo threw Northbridge after 11pm and we only operate until midnight so i left them to make their way back by taxi .As Arron had just about run his full measure as for as the budget goes for the night.I actually gave him a large discount to fit into his budget for the night but as it was an early night for me that was perfect.
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