I am 50 years of age and still learning .I recently have had several phone calls with customers whom i have quoted my rates only to hear them gasp on the end of the line. After hanging up i realised i need to go back to basics and ask how much they have to spend. If they are close to my budget and i am prepared to do the job for there price.I should say "if i give it to you for that price are you prepared to book now".If they say yes i could say ok or i could say "well i can't do it for that price but would do it for $xyz ".
If they say no then they are not a shopper but just dreamers.These dreamers will come back to me after a few bad experiences with my competitors.
Anyone can give their time and products away,it takes a saleman with a great service or product to sell them for a realistic price.Repeat business is what makes enterprise survive, even if it is just word of mouth or relatives of my previous clients.
Many of the people that come into the limousine industry in Perth have never been self employed before and think turnover is profit .It's not until their accountant at the end of the financial year tells them they made a loss which has cut into the equity in their house that they borrowed against to buy the limo.They then think if they had two limo's it would make a profit ,instead of improving the existing service to get the repeat clients.Which they never achieve as the just dilute there poor service.
My repeat clients are what keep me going in the quiet times and they never ask the price until it's time to pay the bill.
My motto Should be in "service ! how can i improve it " not how can i get more marginal profit .
Quality not quantity, this also applies to type of customers i want ,the ones that want it for the cheapest are the ones that push the boundary’s and ask the most .Like there is just one more drop off ,its just around the corner.Then "no worries you won't mind it i charge you an extra $5 per corner" and we do charge per hour.They try to take advantage of natural politeness , i try to remember i am running a business not a social club.I don't want to disrespect my profession as a
chauffeur by becoming to familiar with the customers.
If they say no then they are not a shopper but just dreamers.These dreamers will come back to me after a few bad experiences with my competitors.
Anyone can give their time and products away,it takes a saleman with a great service or product to sell them for a realistic price.Repeat business is what makes enterprise survive, even if it is just word of mouth or relatives of my previous clients.
Many of the people that come into the limousine industry in Perth have never been self employed before and think turnover is profit .It's not until their accountant at the end of the financial year tells them they made a loss which has cut into the equity in their house that they borrowed against to buy the limo.They then think if they had two limo's it would make a profit ,instead of improving the existing service to get the repeat clients.Which they never achieve as the just dilute there poor service.
My repeat clients are what keep me going in the quiet times and they never ask the price until it's time to pay the bill.
My motto Should be in "service ! how can i improve it " not how can i get more marginal profit .
Quality not quantity, this also applies to type of customers i want ,the ones that want it for the cheapest are the ones that push the boundary’s and ask the most .Like there is just one more drop off ,its just around the corner.Then "no worries you won't mind it i charge you an extra $5 per corner" and we do charge per hour.They try to take advantage of natural politeness , i try to remember i am running a business not a social club.I don't want to disrespect my profession as a
chauffeur by becoming to familiar with the customers.
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