Friday morning we did a funeral to Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park at their chapel which is in Padbury a Northern Suburb of Perth just off whitfords avenue near the freeway . http://www.mcb.wa.gov.au/OurCemeteries/Pinnaroo.html ,which should be gazetted as one of the best tourist spots in Perth as it is well protected in winter and the only place in Perth you have a guarantee of seeing kangaroos in a natural environment within a few feet of a roadway. We often go walking threw the park in winter as my grandparants have their graves there and as it is so protected from Perths strong winds (Perth is the third windiest city in the world after christchurch New Zealand and Chicago USA).
We did the funeral for Reflections of life Funeral Services http://www.reflectionoflife.com.au/ which have a champagne gold hearse and as their name sugests focus on the life just past.Many think funerals are depressing but that is far from the norm. Which is where everyone is remembering and celebrating the life of a special person to them. I have done many funerals and found great inspiration from the stories told of their lives. I get enormous comfort in the fact i help transport the relatives to and from the service which lets them relax in a time of a huge stress.The decease on friday was only 54 , just 4 years older than me .So enjoy life now , rent the limo , buy the flowers, drink the french champagne, eat at your favorate restaurant and spend your ungrateful childrens inheritance .The grateful ones will have gained so much from you during your life. Your life does not have an expiry date, this may well be your last hurrah.
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